Monday 12 October 2015

Polar Bear Stories

The treacherous trip by Lucy
Icy cave walls surrounded the two freezing polar bears. Mother bear walked down to the river, baby bear was still standing at the top of the ice berg. In a split second the baby polar bear treacherously tripped into the freezing water of the artic. Baby bear clawed the ice and scraped it but his claws were so sharp that they kept slipping off the ice. After a few minutes he started to drown. Out of the water mother bear saw him sinking. Will baby bear drown or swim for his life……..? Baby bear was horrified! He gazed at the top of the water; suddenly the water went from calm to treacherously crazy. Mother bear jumped in the water and saved her baby up and out of the water. Once they got out they ran far away from the river. Baby bears feet couldn’t move because they had got tangled up in green seaweed.

“I am sick of telling you no!” by Emma B 
At 5 o’clock in the morning surrounding the frightened snow white polar bears came a colossal tornado. Baby bear was trying to escape while sister polar bear was talking to mummy polar bear for escaping advice. Baby bear jumped in the water saying “I found a way out” Salty water from the tornado was splashing over his face while he was trying to talk. He swam under the hole to find some fish in the sea. Suddenly a mean boat of fishermen caught baby polar bear. Snowy, the baby polar bear looked really anxious because he didn’t tell his mum he was finding fish. The next day Snowflake, baby polar bears mum searched all day long, trying to find Snowy. She missed him a lot. The nest week Snowflake and Flake, the sister polar bear spotted the boat where Snowy was. One of the fishermen, Bruce picked baby bear up and crept past Captain Walt. Bruce threw Snowy into the dungeon. Bang, the doors went. Walt just knew what would happen so he put some magic dust on the door for Snowy to escape, when Snowy escaped his mum and sister were beating up the fishermen Bruce. After a couple of hours Snowy, Snowflake and Flake were safe home and never went out again. Only Snowflake went to catch fish.

Worst day of mine and my brother’s life by Cory
One day me and my brother were going for a swim but as we dived in there was a massive earthquake! There was an avalanche, I got stuck in a hole and my brother jumped over the avalanche. I shouted, “Help!” and my brother had to dig me up. We stomped off; we had to find a new home to live in because it got buried in the avalanche. Well anyway, one hour later my brother fell in a hole, we felt so gloomy. I had to save him but it was too late, he died from the coldness.  I knew I had to move on. I ran into the distance but it was a blizzard. I couldn’t see anything!! “I am so spooked,” I said. I thought about my brother. “Hmmm, I wonder what he’d do? Oh yes “dig!” So I dug and dug until I found a home. I said, “Whose house is this?” I opened the door and realised it was his house. So that was the worst day of my life. ‘’I wish this never happened,” I said. Now I can live a new life, hopefully it won’t be nasty.

The Arctic Wolf Howls byJosina 
Awwoo! Woof woof. “Hurry up Crystal,” said baby bear. “I’m hungry”. “OK I’m coming,” said mum. They ventured off to the mountains that lead to the salty sea of ice bergs. The ice was slippery and the mountains were high but that didn’t frighten Ruby the baby and Chrystal the mum. Mama bear slowly went down with baby bear who was exploring the mountain sides.
When mama bear dived down an Arctic wolf howled and the walls shattered as the ice mountain cracked. Baby bear raced down but the walls fell in front of her. It was too late for her, she was stuck. Ruby’s heart raced, her fur was like ice. She was scared to death. Just two seconds later Crystal raced out to hear her baby in a death zone and in a horrified place. “Help, help, get me down from here” said baby bear. “I’m coming” said mother bear. Just a spit second later baby bear was standing on the side of the mountain. Suddenly it cracked, the mountain had split. Ruby the baby bear had not learnt to hang on. Ruby fell into the death zone, the orca ocean. Crystal was too late, the ice had already fallen on Ruby. Crystal panted, she had seen an orca. Ruby called “Help… help… get me out… of here!” Crystal yelled and roared as her baby couldn’t get out. Sandy, a dog came with her owner. Sandy’s owner saw Ruby sinking into the ocean. Quickly they got a hook, threw it into the ice and tugged and tugged and tugged. The ice came closer and closer and finally the ice came to shore. It was so hard but Ruby survived with just a little scar on the leg. Ruby and Crystal ran at each other. They got back together and ran home to eat their fish.   

The Rubbish!!! by Victoria
“Help!!!” I called. I plunged into the icy Arctic sea. My mum watched me dive. I have never dived in the icy Arctic sea before. Suddenly something choked me.  When I looked at it, it was rubbish. I tried to swim away but it was still on me. I tried to get air into my lungs. Water flew everywhere. I thought I saw something floating in the distance. But it was coming closer every second. “Swim to me” called my mum. Soon the floating thing came near. I thought it was a boat. Two people pulled me out. I thought they would take me away and never let me go back to the ice Arctic world. Suddenly I was getting pulled and tugged around the boat. Some people wanted to take off the rubbish and put me back into the ice Arctic sea. Others wanted to keep me and treat me very badly. Suddenly a person tugged me so hard they won the fight. I was so happy, they wanted to take the rubbish off and after that they gave me back to my mum! I thought it was my best day ever!!!

The Poacher and His Daughter by Lily
One day bay polar bear was playing hide and go seek with mother bear and mother bear was counting. Baby bear couldn’t find a good place to hide so baby bear dived into the freezing water. After 2 hours baby bear was still floating. Baby bear finally saw land. So with all his might he swam to the land. When he stepped his first time on land the bright green grass rushed against hi small fluffy white legs. He ran for his life as the poacher chased after him. But finally after 10 minutes of running the poacher caught up to baby bear. Getting caught baby bear thought “Oh no. I’m going to die under this man’s hands” When the poacher’s daughter came back from her adventure she saw the baby polar bear. She said “dad what are you doing?” Dad replied “making some money”. She knew money meant lots to her dad. Baby bear was sleepy so she fell asleep. When baby bear woke up she found her safe still in the cage. The girl was trying to get baby bear out of the cage. Eventually she broke the lock. Baby bear gave her a big kiss which was her way of saying thank you.

The Orca  by Cooper 

Icy caves surrounded the two polar bears.  Crack! Bang! Snowy, the baby polar bear, slipped on an ice cave into the sapphire blue sea.  His heart was beating as fast as lightning.  Snowy saw an orca, the orca had teeth as sharp as knives and skin as black as obsidian.  The orca swam at Snowy and its teeth made a big cut on Snowy's side making some of the water turned red.  Ice Shard the mum polar bear sprang in and covered the cut with snow.  The snow froze Snowy.  Eight days later it was all better, there was only a scar on him.

Polar Bear  by Brodie 
Baby bear and mother bear were very happy until baby bear slipped because of a slippery icy stone.  Then mother bear dived into the freezing cold water to rescue baby bear from drowning.  She also didn't want him getting hurt from dangerous things down under the freezing water, like an orca whale.  Mother bear did not know if baby bear could swim.  Mother bear could not see him, so mother bear dived in to rescue baby bear.  She saw baby bear and then she went to save him from not being able to breathe and die from hypothermia.

The Ice Cracks       by Ciara McLellan
“Have you ever had a cub as curious as Kallik?”
Icy mountains covered the slippery and slidey ground, as Kallik splashed into the deep blue sea. Kallik splashed in there for hours chuckling until Nisa bolted into the sparkling sea, but it was spooky. Orca circled around Nisa and Kallik looking terribly hungry. Kallik shivered with fear and felt like an earthquake. The orca snapped their powerful jaws showing teeth as sharp as a sword!
Nisa growled in their faces until the orca turned their backs and swam away. One Orca in particular stayed and bit Nisa, giving her a deep wound, before turning and following his family.
Back on the ice, in their cosy snow den, Kallik snuggled closer into her mother’s lava hot flank. She relaxed and fell asleep dreaming about the treacherous day when the orca attacked. That was a fearful time. She did not want to remember that, especially the part when Nisa was bitten hard.
The next day was a lot warmer than the day before. Kallik woke feeling a warm breeze along her spine. Kallik ran up the cold snowy mountains that were melting into her favourite perch, a bit further up she would be at the very top! Kallik climbed higher and higher until…
“Aaaahhh!!! Nisa Help!!!” screamed Kallik horrified of what was happening to her. “Nisa, Nisa!!!”
Nisa bolted out of the den crying with a panicked and alarmed expression on her face. “Kallik, where are you?” Nisa screamed “NISA”, Kallik whimpered and then, Splash!! Nisa dashed after her daughter until Nisa was at the river bank, thrashing her head from one side to the other. A minute passed and then finally she found Kallik and splashed into the water.
Breathing heavily, Nisa dragged Kallik to shore. They were both exhausted and collapsed into the freezing cold snow.
Six days later, the air was so warm that Kallik felt like she was melting. The ice was cracking! Nisa ran out of the den frantically looking for a path that wasn’t melting, but there wasn’t any. They were both aghast, even more than when Nisa had been attacked by the Orca or the time when Kallik nearly drowned. “Nisa follow me” yelled Kallik as she jumped from one bit of ice to another. Nisa followed cautious of where she put her paws. Kallik peeked at her mother every now and then, to make sure that she was still following.
Seven hours later, there was snow that wasn’t cracked, and Kallik wanted to stop but Nisa urged her on. They walked and walked finding prey every now and then and soon they found land. Grassy land with trees, no ice, and Kallik was completely confused. They swum a long way and they were very tired, so they slept.
Eight days later, Nisa and Kallik were settled in on the non-snowy land. There was plenty of prey and they were both thrilled. They would stay here until again, it was winter time.

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