Saturday 21 May 2016

Cultural Diversity Day

Our last topic has been looking into cultural diversity.  We celebrated our learning with a special day to share our learning.
Our senior Kapa Haka group started the Cultural Diversity day with a performance.

Maunga syndicate showed many different games from around the world.

Beth playing Chinese Checkers.

Moana Syndicate learnt all about festivals around the world.  Room 7 explained about Tet from Vietnam and Children'd Day in Japan.
We watched a Kendo demonstration.
Whenua told us all about the different cultures in their class, after parents had come in to talk to them.
Awa syndicate were learning about birthdays around the world.
 Room 16 made pinatas. They were very tough to break.
Delicious food from some of they countries Room 7 come from.
Mrs Gulbransen and Nancy helped serve our lunch.

Our carp streamers (koinabori) are now on display in Room 7.


  1. Looks good! Great idea to have a cultural day ☺

  2. It was a fabulous day. You did well sharing to the whole school.
    What yummy looking food you had.
