Tuesday 17 February 2015

Room 7 Beach Day Similes
The water was crashing into the rocks like a door slamming very hard.
The soft sand felt like a bouncy pillow.  Hao-Ren

The sand was as hot as the desert.  Brianna

The crabs pinched me like tweezers on my skin. Cory

The water was warm as a hot tub. Zak

The sand is as warm as pillows dropping on me. Emma

The waves were fast like a mouse scattering away. Lexi

The fish slithered past me like a ghost was beside me. Victoria

The water was as hot as fire. Brodie

The water was as cold as ice when I first got in. Preston

The sand was as smooth as my nana’s pancakes.  Lucy

The sandcastles were like a soft cloud. Ciara

The blowing wind feels like a frozen bath. Tayla

The sandcastles were like a palace. Lucas

I tasted salty sea water.  It was as warm as a heater. Cooper

The sand was burning like I was on the sun.  Jaxton

I tasted my food, it was as yummy as lollies. Ollie

The dry sand felt like a soft pillow. Ajay

The seagulls screeched like doors opening and shutting.  Zoe B

When I did a cartwheel I fell over and tasted the sand. That was as gross as tomato with peanut butter on top. Josina

The water looked like sea water. Lincoln

I feel the shells crackling under the sand like popcorn. Zoe K

The waves were as loud as a gorilla. Tane

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